Monday, March 28, 2005

Finding Poetry

We have been finding poetry here at George Mason University. The goal of the found poetry workshops we've been having in the Creative Services Office has been to find the poetry in the Mason Publications. We have been having great fun cutting up the View Book, the catalog, the Mason Spirit, and the others pubs.

There have been a few gems so far. Behold:

Quality of Work Life

life is good
A significant percentage agree
however, the entire sample
rate their Lack of parking
as not very high
and do imply that satisfaction
is a work from home

not knowing exactly what

Can you imagine the latest test results
it is hard to anticipate
the truth
But that's okay.
we are committed to
what the world will look like

One things we've found is that we use the same words over and over (and over) again in the publications.

Our lexicon is lacking.

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