Thursday, January 27, 2005

On (or near) the Trail

Here we are at Windy Rock down near Blacksburg, Virginia. This is the closest I've ever been to the App. Trail. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

So Many Friends Publishing Books...So Little Time

I have discovered yet another person I know who has published a book. This time a book of poetry. It is a former creative writing professor of mine from VCU. She was very supportive and urged me to go on to get my MFA. Here it is on Amazon. I've ordered it, but it hasn't arrived yet.

Friday, January 21, 2005

An Artist's Book

Southern by Colleen Kearney Rich Posted by Hello

My Precious Little Book

This is an attempt to immortalize my little artist's book, Southern, which was lost a year ago after being exhibited in a show. It is a good reminder to document your work--take a photo of it, print it out and file it... do something so you will have something to remember. I am in the process of remaking this little gem. The text needs to be totally rewritten. The files are gone, but the photo remains.

Friday, January 14, 2005

New Year's Resolutions, Anyone?

I feel so badly that I haven't updated this poor blog. It is very sad. I promise to do better in 2005. Andrew leaves today to return to Blacksburg--or so we think. And already the birthday parties have begun. Garrett has one this weekend.

According to my book log, I read 50 books in 2004. Now remember I only count the books that I finished. The five on my night stand that are half-read are still awaiting their opportunity to be immortalized on the list.